
To request information from ATEST or our individual coalition partners, please reach out to the contacts below.

ATEST Contact:

Terry FitzPatrick | ATEST Director
Washington, DC
Email: [email protected]
Cell: 571-282-9913

ATEST Member Organization Contacts:

Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW)
Greg Asbed | Co-founder
Email: [email protected]

Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking (CAST)
Leigh LaChapelle | Associate Director of Survivor Advocacy
Email: [email protected]

Free the Slaves
Bryon Lippincott | Communications Manager
Email: [email protected]

HEAL Trafficking
Nani Cuadrado | Director of Education
Email: [email protected]

Human Trafficking Legal Center
Shayna Horwitz | Development and Communications Director
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 202-849-5980

Humanity United Action
Ayan Ahmed | Manager, Communications
Email: [email protected]

McCain Institute for International Leadership
Amy Grappone | Senior Director of Communications
Email: [email protected]

National Network for Youth (NN4Y)
Darla Bardine | Executive Director
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 202.783.7949

Rafael Flores Avalos | Director of Communications
Email: [email protected]

Safe Horizon
Amelia Shogan | Anti-Trafficking Program
Email: Amelia[email protected]

Solidarity Center
Vanessa Parra | Campaign and Media Communications Director
Email: [email protected]

United Way Worldwide
Allie Gardner | Senior Manager, Outreach & Engagement
Email: [email protected]

Elizabeth Fay | Senior Director of Policy Advocacy
Email: [email protected]

Vital Voices
Marina Pisklakova-Parker | Senior Director, GBV Advocacy
Email: marina[email protected]