ATEST Report Aims to Bolster Corporate Compliance with California’s Transparency in Supply Chains Act, SB 657

A new report by the Alliance to End Slavery and Trafficking (ATEST), “Beyond SB 657: How Businesses Can Meet and Exceed California’s Requirements to Prevent Forced Labor in Supply Chains,” provides guiding principles for companies required to comply with California’s pioneering anti-trafficking law and for any company working to eliminate forced labor from their supply chains.

Under the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act (SB 657) retail sellers and manufacturers doing business in California and having $100 million or more in annual worldwide gross receipts must inform their consumers about what the company is doing to end human trafficking and slavery within their supply chains. ATEST estimates that approximately 3,200 businesses will likely be required to comply.

In November 2012, the California Attorney General’s Office was expected to receive a list of companies required to comply with this Act. ATEST urges the California Attorney General to release to the public the list of companies required to make a disclosure so that the public knows from which companies to expect disclosure statements.

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