DOL/International Labor Affairs Bureau (ILAB) Department of Labor (DOL)/Department of Wage and Hour Administration for Children and Families (ACF) HHS/National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) HHS/Runaway and Homeless Youth Act HHS/CDC HHS Victim Services...
Category: Appropriations
DOL/ International Labor Affairs Bureau (ILAB) FY 2017
THE NEED FOR FUNDING AND REPORT LANGUAGE $129,325,000 in FY 2017 for the Bureau of International Labor Affairs in the Department of Labor (DOL/ILAB) to implement Section 105(b)(2) of the TVPRA of 2005 (P.L.109-164) and Section 110 of the TVPRA of 2008 (P.L.110-457), as follows:...
Department of Labor (DOL)/ Department of Wage and Hour FY 2017
THE NEED FOR FUNDING AND REPORT LANGUAGE $5,000,000 for the extension of services and benefits for victims of trafficking to implement Section 107(b) of the TVPA and report language. Need DOL is often the initial investigator of human trafficking crimes, including many cases that...
Administration for Children and Families (ACF) FY 2017
HHS/Administration for Children and Families THE NEED FOR FUNDING AND REPORT LANGUAGE $32,000,000 for the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) to implement the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (P.L.113-4), as follows: $16,000,000 to serve foreign national...
National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) FY 2017
HHS/Administration for Children and Families THE NEED FOR FUNDING AND REPORT LANGUAGE $2,500,000 for the Administration of Children and Families to support the National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) as authorized by section 107(b)(1)(B)(ii) of the 2000 TVPRA as amended...
HHS/ Runaway and Homeless Youth Act FY 2017
THE NEED FOR FUNDING AND REPORT LANGUAGE $165,000,000 for the Administration of Children and Families to implement the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act, originally part of the Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention Act and last reauthorized by the Reconnecting Homeless Youth Act...
HHS/ Center for Disease Control (CDC) FY 2017
THE NEED FOR REPORT LANGUAGE The Committee recommends the Center for Disease Control’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey be expanded to include questions that identify homeless youth who are at risk of human trafficking. The Committee encourages the CDC to work with human trafficking...
HHS Victim Services Strategic Plan FY 2017
THE NEED FOR REPORT LANGUAGE The Committee understands that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), in conjunction with other federal agencies, will implement a new strategic plan for victim services for human trafficking victims. The Committee believes such work is long...
Department of Education (ED)/ McKinney-Vento Act FY 2017
THE NEED FOR FUNDING AND REPORT LANGUAGE $85,000,000 for U.S. Department of Education to fully implement the McKinney-Vento Act’s Education for Homeless Children and Youth programs (42 U.S.C. § 11431 et seq.) to increase the capacity of public schools to identify and serve homeless...
ED Grants to Local Education Agencies Title I FY 2017
THE NEED FOR FUNDING AND REPORT LANGUAGE $2,000,000 for the Department to fulfill its mandate under the Federal Strategic Action Plan on Services for Victims of Human Trafficking in the United States (2013-2017). Need The Department of Education interfaces with approximately 50...