See our transition report to the incoming Trump administration.
Category: Policy priorities
Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Appropriations
The scope of human trafficking and slavery has come into sharp focus over the past years with an estimated 27 million slaves worldwide—more than any other time in history. Human trafficking is also the second largest criminal enterprise in the world, generating over $32 billion in...
Child Welfare Response to Human Trafficking Act of 2013 (H.R. 1732)
The trafficking of children for both sexual and labor exploitation is an egregious human rights abuse affecting a growing number of youth in the United States, many of whom come into contact with the child welfare and juvenile justice systems. ATEST is working to improve the proper...
Business Transparency on Trafficking and Slavery Legislation
In America, we enjoy an abundance of goods that come to us from within and outside of our country’s borders. But what many people don’t realize is that before they reach our hands, many things pass through the hands of slaves and child laborers. ATEST is working to encourage...
Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act
On March 7, 2013, President Obama signed the reauthorization of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA), restoring this country’s most important tool to combat human trafficking. This reauthorization reasserts the U.S. Government’s leadership role in the fight against...
Prevention of Trafficking in Persons and Abuses Involving Workers Recruited Abroad Act (S. 744)
Labor recruiters are often complicit or directly involved in the trafficking of workers, exploiting U.S. nonimmigrant visa programs. Operating in a climate of impunity, they lure impoverished and desperate foreign workers to the United States, promising jobs described as plentiful and...