Media Kit

Media Contact

ATEST Director Terry FitzPatrick
Email: [email protected]
Cell: 571-282-9913


Legal nowhere but present across the globe, modern slavery damages our communities, taints the products and services we consume and the profits we earn, and is one of the most pressing human rights challenges of our time. The fact that the enslavement and trade of human beings exists in our modern world as a disturbingly large, highly profitable illicit industry is unacceptable. ATEST formed in 2007, and formalized its alliance in 2009, and works as a collective in partnership with civil society, governments, and businesses to create fundamental change of the accepted norms that enable slavery and trafficking to persist around the world — from strengthening laws and business standards to building public will.

What is ATEST?
ATEST is an alliance of U.S.-based human rights organizations, acting with a shared agenda to end modern slavery and human trafficking around the world. We advocate for lasting solutions to prevent labor and sex trafficking, hold perpetrators accountable, ensure justice for victims and empower survivors with tools for recovery. Our collective experience implementing programs at home and abroad provides our coalition an unparalleled breadth and depth of expertise.

Who is ATEST?
ATEST is comprised of the following organizations: Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking (CAST), Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW), Covenant House, Free the Slaves, HEAL Trafficking, Human Trafficking Legal Center,  Humanity United Action, McCain Institute for International Leadership, National Network for Youth (NN4Y), Polaris, Safe Horizon, Solidarity Center, United Way Worldwide, Verité, and Vital Voices Global Partnership. Click here for links and contacts for ATEST member organizations.

Quick Links

ATEST Core Principles

ATEST 2020 Transition Report to Incoming Biden-Harris administration

ATEST Federal Appropriations Recommendations

Trafficking Victims Protection Act Reauthorization Recommendations