Survivors Identify Urgent Reforms Needed to Build a Survivor-Centered Anti-Trafficking Movement

A new report shines a light on ways anti-trafficking organizations in the United States have fallen short, harmed survivors, and need significant reforms to create a survivor-centered movement in the future.

The report, We Name It So We Can Repair It, Rethinking Harm, Accountability and Repair in the Anti-trafficking Sector, was released this spring by the Lived and Professional Experience Movement-Building Working Group. It is available on the National Survivors Network website.

The report is essential reading for anyone working in ā€“ or providing funding to ā€“ the anti-trafficking field.

“People can do good, be good, and still cause harm” the report notes. “Similarly, the anti-trafficking sector can engage in powerful advocacy, support many essential initiatives, provide many victims of human trafficking with essential services and support, and still cause harm ā€“ both to the recipients of their services and to the survivors who work in their initiatives…In order to stop causing this harm, we must first understand these actions and many others as harm, fully acknowledge the harm, commit to making repairs, and change our approaches.”

download the report .pdf